Two women, music, painting and a book.

I am very happy to have been invited by the composer Manuela Kerer, to paint the artwork for her new book “Kerer’s Saiten.“

Manuela, a female composer from Brixen (South Tyrol), not only creates music, but also writes. For the past ten years, she has been writing a weekly column for the local Dolomiten newspaper. She will be rounding off these ten years with a book of 111 of her favourite articles. And I have contributed 11 paintings, to accompany the texts.

This is a book for everyone, not only for art and music lovers. The texts Manuela has written give us insight into how a musician sees the world, on details they notice and things that are important to them. This is a book for people who are curious of the world, people who like to read, who appreciate beauty, who want to laugh, cry and be surprised.

The 11 pictures I painted are my artistic interpretation of the stories told in the texts. I used ink, paint, charcoal and pencil to create a series of black and white artwork. I hope to be able to show you all the original paintings next year, when circumstances allow.

„Kerers Saiten“ will be available from mid December at bookshops in South Tyrol or directly with Manuela or myself.

Hello from the studio!

The past few months have been difficult for all of us, and I am no exception. Art projects, cultural events and exhibitions have all been cancelled, and the overload of negative news around us has been quite overwhelming.

Art is something that helps in times of crisis, whether you consume art or create it. It’s a way to escape from everything and go to an imaginary world, it’s a way to relax and calm down, it’s a way to create beauty when you can’t see any around you. And many artists thrive in times of crisis, as strong emotions often push us to create our best work.

As a person who likes planning and likes to have things to work towards, it has been quite hard to have this endless void in front of me, with no way of knowing when I can go back to any sort of normal artist schedule. But, I have been keeping busy with reading art books, connecting with fellow artists online and just painting what I want, and what I enjoy.

However, I have to say that not everything has been cancelled, and I do have one exciting project that I am involved in. I can’t wait to tell you all about it very soon!

Stay healthy and happy everyone!


I am happy to be part of the art fair RESTART, at the Kunsthalle West in Lana, Italy, from the 18.09 - 20.09.2020, 11am -1 0pm.

This event will include around fifty local artists and is a chance to come together, meet and enjoy some art and culture after the tough months we’ve all been through.

Hope to see you all there.

My artwork part of the #artnodistance exhibition in Bangkok

During the lockdown, the River City in Bangkok launched a campaign called  #artnodistance. Artists were invited to submit work created in response to the covid-19 crisis.

A selection of the works submitted are now on display as prints at the River City.

The exhibition “Art no distance” is divided into themes- self-reflection, new activities, COVID 19 and masks, the city, conceptualism, love, expression and escape.

I am very happy and proud to be part of this exhibition and to have my artwork selected as one of the artist’s favourite.

The painting I submitted is part of my art project “365 days of Karolina.” 

You can see all the artwork from this project here on my website

River City Bangkok
9th July-31st August 2020

Making artists visible

I am happy to be part of the art performance ‘Sichtbar machen/ rendere visible’, which took place in town of Klausen/Chiusa in northern Italy. Posters of 75 local artists and their work, were hung around the town. The goal of this event was to remind people of the importance of art and artists, especially in these difficult times.