My "365 Days" now as online book

About a year ago, I finished my year-long project “365 Days of Karolina”, and now its available as an online book to flick through.

For an entire year, I created a self-portrait every day and wrote a short text to go with it. With the help of my art and the accompanying words, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, I was able to peel off the layers and look at all sides of myself, face my emotions, my fears, my dreams. And this is the result.

Through „365 Days of Karolina” I hope to inspire you to use art and go on your own personal journey. Especially now, in these hard times we are going through, art can help us heal. It doesn’t have to be for a whole year, but why not try and make your own journal, use pictures and words, to express yourself, come to terms with the reality around us, or just play and see what happens. Yes, it is scary at first, but I promise you, once you take the first step, you’ll see it’s not so bad. And the good thing is, there’s nobody there to judge you and tell you that what you’re creating is not good enough. You’re in the safety of your home and you have all the time you need.

Enjoy and let the magic happen.

Click here for my “365 Days of Karolina”